Hope is a sense and an experience of courage in the midst of challenges. It is a sense that things can and will get better with time. Hope can influence one’s motivation and experience of more positive emotions and behavior. It is also a product of our thoughts, relationships and current behaviors. Here are a few tips on how to cultivate your sense of hope in challenging times:
1. Examine and challenge your thoughts
What kind of thoughts occupy your mind lately? Are they inspirational, positive and encouraging thoughts? If not, immense your mind in inspirational messages everyday. Be deliberate about this. Spend 10 minutes everyday reading,watching and listening to inspirational content. After this write a short quote to yourself i.e. “I am awesome 👏🏾“.
2. Strive to be in contact with people who inspire hope
Reach out to people that are positive and encouraging. You can also start a small social media group with one or two people where your goal is to inspire and encourage each other. It could be spiritual groups, old friends etc.
3. Check your habits
How is your life structured?It is often encouraging to have a flexible schedule where you are also able to do things that encourage and inspire you. Do ensure that you have time for fun, exercise and laughter, something to look forward to.
4. What to do if the sense of hopelessness persist despite your efforts?
Sometimes a prolonged sense of hopelessness maybe linked to deeper challenges and therefore professional psychosocial support maybe beneficial in overcoming it.
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