Some of us have already caught up with the “new wave" of working, socializing, learning and attending to our health and well-being virtually. This may present different experiences and emotions for different people. These may range from excitement, anxiety, confusion and a sense of being overwhelmed for some.
While this may be an opportunity to discover or build on new ways of existing and becoming, at the same time it can take a toll on your mental health. Here are a few tips on how to take care of your mental wellbeing whilst navigating the space that we find ourselves in:
1. Always remember that there is more to you than your online engagement.
As much as you may be spending a lot of time online, strive to create space and time to connect with some of your activities off-line. (That exercise routine, that hobby, the face to face engagement with family). All these activities off-line remind you that there is more to you than the online engagement or persona.
2. Be deliberate in creating time and space for activities that contribute towards your wellbeing
Ensure that you create a more blended approach where you combine online healthcare with off-line health care.
3. Remind yourself that all of this is a journey, therefore there’s bound to be uphills and downhills.
Be proactive about how to deal with obstacles and challenges in your journey.
4. My favorite form of self-care is sitting in the sun in winter for a quick 10 minutes staring at my favorite spot (garden) and hoping to hear a bird singing at the background and more birds if I am lucky...before everyone wakes up and before I start engaging online.
5. I am a long distance runner and this hobby has taught me important lessons that I apply to the different journeys I walk in race, my pace and my goal. Even for you remember that this is your journey...determine your pace and watch out for unhealthy pressure from yourself and those around you! Your journey your pace!
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